If you live in an area that receives a substantial amount of annual snowfall, there is no better attachment for your skid steer than a snow blower. It’s capable of clearing driveways or roads in a short amount of time. Plus, like most attachments, the snow blower is a lot of fun to use.

Skid Steer Snow Blower

A snow blower, like all attachments, is an investment. However, it’s one that can pay you back quickly. The time and energy you’ll save versus shoveling or even relying on local government to remove snow is immediately obvious. 

Most snow blowers are hydraulic operated and are capable of throwing snow that’s first fed up through the attachment by an auger up to 30 feet. Whether you’re working in loose powder or hard-packed drifts, the auger aggressively bites into the snow to easily and quickly remove snow. Honestly, it’ll make you shudder at the thought of ever going back to a shovel! 

The skid steer snow blower is an essential tool for those who live in places where substantial snowfall late fall through early spring is the norm.

Why Buy a Snow Blower

Snow blowers excel at removing snow from paved areas such as walkways or parking lots. Since the auger pulls rather than pushes snow into the machine, it's less damaging to the pavement than say the teeth of a bucket loader. Buckets also require the snow to be dumped, resulting in a pile that, while fun to sled down, is a significant time drain to return to during the job. 

The blower and funnel attachment will allow the user to angle the snow, spreading it more evenly. Additionally, blowing snow over a larger area creates a less noticeable mound that may reduce visibility at the entrance to a driveway.

Saving Money with a Snow Blower

While simply being able to clear your driveway quickly may be enough justification, the snow blower comes into its own when you view it as an income generator. If you own commercial property, like office buildings, and happen to have a skid steer, then the addition of a snow blower now allows you to skip hiring someone else to to clear your sidewalks and parking lot. A big bottom line booster, especially during winters with high precipitation. 

Selecting the Right Snow Blower

Like any other skid steer attachment, you must first determine what size snow blower is right for you and will it fit your hitch system. Next, you might consider what requirements are important based on how you’d use it. Do you live in Minnesota where hard freezes retain deep snow drifts until spring or Colorado where warmer winter days can quickly remove all evidence of a blizzard? Are you cleaning a driveway or an entire parking lot on the regular? Large open areas like parking lots or driveways will be much easier with a wide, high output blower. Whereas a smaller unit will be better suited for small lots and walkways.

As we mentioned, a skid steer snow blower is a major convenience come winter. For those of us who simply don’t have time (or the patience) to wait on someone else to do the job for us, a snow blower can save a lot of time and money all the while being a whole heck of a lot of fun to use. The immediate satisfaction of your work is remarkable. 

05 enero 2022 — AJ Edwards
Etiquetas: snow removal winter